Payment information

Payment methods

In the Shop you have the following payment possibilities:

  • Advance payment
  • Cash on delivery: The cash on delivery fee is: € 3,00
  • PayPal

Ordering process

If you have found a desired product, you can order it without obligation by clicking the button [to shopping cart] to the shopping cart. You can check the contents of the shopping cart at any time by clicking on the Buttons [shopping cart] without obligation. You can check your shopping cart at any time by clicking on the button X]-(wastebasket symbol) to remove the products from the shopping basket again. If you want to order the products in the shopping cart If you want to buy, click on the button [Proceed to checkout!]. There please check your data again and Your purchase. If you are already logged in, you have the possibility to make your purchase by clicking on "My Account" and enter your customer number and postcode directly. You are also welcome to first log in via the button [My account] and then place your order. By clicking on the Buttons [Order with costs] you complete the order process. The process can be interrupted at any time by the closing the browser window can be cancelled.

Bank details

For payment in advance please use the following bank account details.

account holder LimPuro® / wholesale / Christian Hofmann
IBAN DE56 8305 0303 0000 116734
account number 116734
bank code 83050303
bank Kreissparkasse Saalfeld-Rudolstadt

Prepayment Cash on delivery Pay Pal

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